At MEATH Build we believe that sustainable success is more important than overnight success.

We want our company to provide a future, not only for our families but for the future of our planet

We want to inspire young people and to showcase construction as a positive career choice. To do this we are setting out targets to take on apprentices and to nurture their passion for construction. Based on our Commercial Director’s background in education, we passionately believe that investing in our training will bring about the best return on investment. To confirm how important we rate training, we include training agendas on all our meetings and reviews.

We also believe that we need to look after our planet for the future of our families and future generations. We spend dedicated time working out how to determine the impact of what we do on a daily basis. We are always looking for ways to reduce our carbon footprint and for ways to reduce what we send to landfill.

We are trying to encourage vehicle sharing and wherever possible travel to meetings or site in one vehicle. By planning in advance, we can travel together instead of arranging to meet at our destination. We also make sure we consider the carbon emissions when purchasing or leasing new vehicles.

We believe in supporting our local communities, and consider how we can make a difference, as we work towards leaving a positive legacy. We plan events to raise money for our chosen charities. We also look at how we can help out practically in our local community.

We are making sure that we are being as energy efficient as possible. We think very carefully before we print any documents and use energy efficient lighting in all our buildings. We also have a policy of organising mains power on site as quickly as possible to avoid using less efficient energy sources.

We look to our supply chain to follow their expertise and listen to their sustainable agendas so that we can follow their example. It’s only by working together and sharing our concerns that we will be able to have a positive impact.

Our next step will be to measure the impact of some of the strategies we are trying to put into place and to determine whether we need to do more to make sure we are sticking to our values.

Building a sustainable company takes courage and strong leadership to make the changes happen. We need to set the example and find like minded people and contractors who share our values to make a difference.

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