MEATH Build have teamed up with PM Training, and are delighted to be able to offer a work experience position to Harry, at our Heathcote Street site.

Harry has been working with our joiners, observing masters in their trades, and trying his hand at sanding and cutting timber to the required lengths. In time he will be able to stand back and admire his handiwork with a true sense of pride.

As well as joinery, Harry has also worked with our tilers. Here, his maths skills have been challenged as he’s worked out measurements, before cutting and sticking the tiles to the walls.

Steven, our Operations Manager, has also worked closely with Harry, showing him how the general running of the project works and how he needs to have a calm presence and an adaptable approach.

Of course, no start in any trade can go without the general tasks of clearing up and loading out for the experts in the field, and we’re pleased that Harry approaches this with enthusiasm and a willingness to learn.

MEATH Build want to show that our trade truly is worthwhile career and that hard work and determination always pays off. We are committed to working with, and training young people for the future. After all, it’s in our ethos – Building the Future on Strong Foundations.